By: Josh & Jennifer Pepper To venture into God’s plan for our lives can be a very scary journey. It is full of uncertainty and change. But, it is also the most exciting and rewarding pursuit we have in this life. As we begin this week of study together, we start at a well known and familiar place for many. Nevertheless, the importance of beginning the journey of God’s plan for our lives can only start in one place: His Word. The writer of Hebrews says God’s Word “is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) The Psalmist says “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105) These two passages show us that God’s Word is as active now as it was in the days of old. It offers light to our path in a dark and uncertain world and helps us to determine the direction He plans on taking our lives. We must begin by saturating ourselves in God’s written Word to us. For the remainder of the week, the challenge is for you to set aside one half hour of each day to fix your thoughts on God’s Word. Ask God to guide you to the place in His Word from which He wishes to speak to you, and daily, meditate on His Word. Today, read Proverbs chapter 3 and meditate on Solomon’s words of wisdom about seeking the Lord. Make this time sacred. Choose a time when you aren’t likely to be disrupted. Place yourself somewhere quiet and comfortable. You might want to turn on some worship or classical music. Use this devotional and your Bible to make this time worthwhile. ResourcesRecommended Daily Devotions: Recommended Music for Quiet Time: All Sons and Daughters - Live The Corner Room - Psalm Songs
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